Monday, July 11, 2005

Don't SuperSize This She

Happy Monday! Ugh!! Monday should have to be a word that's bleeped out due to the complete obscenity of it. Anyway, we made it through the day so I think we'll be fine.

Tonight Brent and I headed over to the gym at work after dinner. It hasn't changed a bit since the last time I was there nearly 4 years ago!!! You'd think they'd get at least ONE new piece of equipment, but no, this is not a company who is a big fan of change to begin with. Anyway, it's super cheap to go so we'll probably go over there once or twice a week to use some of their strength machines. I like my cardio outside, and I also enjoy my workout DVDs, so it'll be a nice change in the routine.

I was flipping through the channels and found the show "SuperSize She" on TLC. You've got to see this show. It's about women weight lifters. They look and sound like MEN. It's so gross what they've done to their bodies. I am all about getting strong and fit, but I don't understand how you take it to the level of wanting to take all these hormones to basically end up like a man. MTV's True Life has a new episode called "I want a perfect body 2", and there's a Harvard girl who starts fitness training. She's much more normal and ended up looking really good by the end of the show. Anyway, set your TiVo for this show and prepare to be grossed out!

See ya!


Mon: 1/3 mile walk with Pippin (it started raining so our walk was cut short), 20 minutes arms/leg weights at the gym, 10 minutes stair climber, 2 mile run outdoors (the weather was PERFECT), 10 minutes abs and 10 minutes stretching with Denise Austin


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