Teddy Bear Run
Hey guys! I've got a couple of minutes before "lunch" is over so I figured I should update the old blog. We're cranking out the final bits of painting our kitchen so any free time I get at home is spent RELAXING which does NOT include a computer! It involves a couch, a blanket and my two boys (Pips & B). I would like to see more of this "relaxation" thing, I hear it's wonderful!!!
SO, rewind to last weekend. We had 21 miles on the register and I'm pleased to report I ran 22.25. I figure for all the weeks I've cut back training I might as well add on when it counts! We carb-ed up on Friday night, bought some new rugs and got to bed at a fairly decent hour. The alarm went off WAY early and we were out the door about 6:45 to try to make it to the stadium (1.75 miles) by 7. Well, of course we barely missed it. As we were running under the interstate we saw the mass of runners leaving the parking lot. Although it's always a lovely sight to see a crowd overtake the streets we wanted to be a LITTLE closer. And a short break would've been nice. =) So, we followed the mass through downtown and picked off a few people. We were running comfortably and once we left the downtown/Farmers Market area we were in brand new running territory. This particular run hosted by the local club took you through miles 11-26 of the Country Music Marathon course (plus some extra at the beginning to get you there). I've always heard the back half of the CMM course is a little "boring" but if by boring they meant you were going to tour every ghetto and industrial area in Nashville then I guess they were right. UGH! It's so obvious Elite Racing is focusing on the half, I can't believe we even get Kenyans to run this marathon course.
So, we chatted about whatever to make the time pass. Brent is always funny on long runs and usually has a few good comments to liven the process up. Around mile 6 for us this lady was running RIGHT ON our heels. I mean, really, either pass or give us our space. At one point Brent turned around and jokingly said "I hope you're not trying to draft off us!". I mean, if you are going to be THAT close to me you'd better bring something to the table. Snacks, interesting conversation, provide some tunes for us - SOMETHING. We ditched our "friend" at a water stop and then headed out on the most boring greenway ever. It's next to the river and a barge owned by a company I once worked for was floating by and we were able to get their attention and get some waves. Then we came upon an area where there was cotton all over the trail and riverbanks. So strange. I asked Brent why he thought there might be so much cotton here - his witty reply "I bet that's a teddy bear factory". For some reason that struck me as the most hilarious thing I had ever heard. From the greenway we ran past the giant inflatable Titans indoor practice arena and decided if we got a huge group together with scissors we could totally climb the fence, poke a whole in it, and deflate the whole thing. This my friends is you what you talk about on a really long run.
We made it out of the Metrocenter projects and made our way past downtown again and into our own East Nashville projects. It was good to feel closer to home. Once we made our way into Shelby Park we started seeing all the faster runners heading back out, and saw others we knew. We made it around the lake and as we were heading back out Brent was starting to slow down so I headed on on my own. Until I rounded a corner and a black lab saw me and started running full force towards me. SO, I turned and ran as fast as I could because I just don't mess with dogs in the projects. He wasn't barking but that didn't mean he wouldn't bite. Brent wasn't far behind so he chased the dog, using his last bits of energy, and we were all fine. I kept booking it with this other kid who was constantly lost. He was trying to keep up with me, but what I hated to tell him was that I felt great and was picking up speed. We talked about food, which is always my fave thing to talk about at the end of a run. I kept him going and when we finished he thanked me for keeping him moving. We made it to the Titans lot at exactly 20 miles. My last mile was my fastest - 8:49 and mile 19 was 2nd fastest at 9:10. Our overall pace for the 20 miles was 9:45.
I waited on Brent and we chatted with a former coworker and some other runners. It had been a cool morning but perfect for running. Wind chills were from 32-40, so it felt great. As we were talking it started to rain and a friend offered us a ride home. I could tell Brent wanted it so bad so I said "sure" and once we got home I finished my miles on the treadmill. I thought about running until I had 26.2 miles but I was watching food network and "square face" was making these chocolate dipped gelato balls and I HAD to have ice cream. So I called it a day at 22.25 miles, feeling strong.
Lunch is OVER, have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!