Wednesday, September 14, 2005

For Susie

Hey! It was another Long, Monotonous & Unrewarding day at work. Ugh. So long and painful in fact that we didn't leave work early enough to make it to the gym tonight, which totally sucks. We had planned on working out there and playing some racquetball. With the way work has totally sucked lately it's been two weeks since we made it to the gym. So, I worked out on the elliptical as I watched Susie get totally robbed on Rock Star INXS. I really thought Mig would get the boot, he's been a bit dull in my opinion lately and the other have really bumped it up a notch lately. Oh well, I'll be really excited to see what all they have to do next week on the finale.

Since I don't have much workout news to post about today I thought I'd share with you my latest stupid moment. My company has a subsidiary over in England, outside of London. I had to call the Controller over there today as he had some questions about his budget template. As much as I don't like discussing work stuff I do always enjoy calling over there because I find their accents to be absolutely fabulous. So, after we talked about work stuff we ended up talking about the cheap price of computers these days (it did actually stem from talking about budgeting for addtl computer purchases). To which I replied " I don't know about over there, but here the day after Thanksgiving we have huge sales where you can get computers for like $400 if you get up at 4 in the morning and fight the crowds". From there I went on to talk about what a blast the sales are and he said he'd love to come over for them sometime. The sad part is I didn't even REALIZE what I had said until I was telling Brent about it over lunch and he started laughing at me and saying 'Of course they don't have day after Thanksgiving sales, THEY DON'T CELEBRATE THANKSGIVING, do you think the Indians and Pilgrims headed over there after the settled our country???'. Hmmm, I'm sure I gave the UK a great afternoon chuckle. Oh well, I know I'm a very smart girl and I admit I have minimal common sense! At least I'm smart enough to realize it...... It gave me a good laugh on a pretty sucky day, too!

The weekly rundown is over at Guess where's it going to be next week??? Right here baby!!! Let me know if you have any special requests and I'll be sure to hook you up!

Gotta run, we have some Lost DVDs to return to Blockbuster. Hopefully we've got the rest of the season on our TiVo or we'll be heading back soon!!


Exercise - 1 mile walk with Pippin (which I timed with my trusty Forerunner), 40 minutes on the elliptical


At 4:41 AM, Blogger ShoreTurtle said...

We all have our "man, that was dumb moments." I read your post and thought, "oh, they lost some DVDs? They probably have late fees." I reread the post and realized that the Lost DVDs are the show! Duh!

At 6:32 AM, Blogger lainb said...

Your Thanksgiving/UK story reminds me of the kid's joke:
"Does England have a 4th of July?"
(see answer below)

Yes! It comes after the third of July. hardy har har!

At 12:47 PM, Blogger KJ said...

Hi, funny post. Do you end up speaking in a little English accent by the end of a long conversation :) Check me out before rundown-I've never been in one so I could use a plug.
Looks like you got some spam :(


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