Friday, September 12, 2008


Hey everyone! Thank goodness it's Friday! I can't complain, the week's gone by quickly and next week is going to be a good one - the big U/S is Monday at 9:00 am! Woo hoo! I can't wait to give "it" at least a he or she. And hopefully hear that all is well in there and growing according to plan.

Since we've got our airfare and hotels for our trip to California, the only major thing left was booking a "hotel" for Pippin to stay in while we're gone. We normally leave him at his vet's and they take really good care of him but he doesn't get much play time and since he'll be away from home 8 nights (due to our flights) I want him to stay somewhere a little more fun. SO, tomorrow morning he has an 'interview' at a new kennel nearby. It looks like such a cute place, he'll get daycare play all day, a mandatory afternoon nap, and then be crated at night. Several places nearby don't crate at night, and our wildman really doesn't need to be left roaming with no supervision with other dogs in the evening. His interview will last for THREE hours tomorrow. They slowly intro him to other dogs, they want to see how he is with us, how he acts when he leave, etc. I hope he passes!!!! They also have live webcams, which I love!

I know I had other things to share but I can't remember them at all! Brent should be home soon from getting his haircut and then it's time to head out for some dinner! Yay!


At 6:09 PM, Blogger Darrell said...

Hope the interview goes well.

At 7:30 PM, Blogger MNFirefly said...

Crossing my fingers for you. Go Pippin Go!

At 12:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear about the new daycare. We would need to find a place for our guys in the not to distant future.

At 8:22 PM, Blogger Rich said...

Mandatory afternoon nap? They must have found a secret way to communicate with dogs!

The webcam will be cool!

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