Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Decision '08

And no, I am so not talking about the election this year. Politics is something I really couldn't care less, and I think they're all crooks. Have I ever mentioned that Brent always writes me in for elections? Although I don't care for politicians, I do think it's important to vote, and if you don't vote you have no right to complain....and we all like to complain, right? So I always make Brent vote, and if he doesn't use his vote to offset mine and prove that voting is pointless (something he enjoys doing) then he writes me in! It's nice to know that in most elections I have at least one person who thinks I would do a good job at "fillintheblank".

AND, I did get a call for a political survey earlier this week. They asked me a billion questions about issues and who I would vote for, etc so at least this week when I saw poll numbers on the news I could say "they DID ask me!".

BUT, what I'm really talking about is we finally have a babymoon destination! And the winner is..... San Diego! Yay! My top two choices were San Diego and San Juan (my 3rd choice was San Antonio - I seriously don't get my San obsession). Brent sent me a link to the great deals Southwest posted for this week, and the savings to San Diego were massive, and much cheaper than San Juan - so I booked ASAP. We're going in mid-October, right towards the end of my 2nd trimester. I already talked about it with Doc earlier this month at my appointment and he was fine with an October trip, so it should all be good! Now I just have the massive decision of where to stay and what to do. Any suggestions are massively welcome! I'm all about going to the Zoo and probably SeaWorld. I've requested a bunch of books from the library, so this weekend I'll prob know more which side of town we'll want to stay on. And of course their should be meetups!

This trip will give us state #41, leaving us with only 9 more to see together (Alaska, Hawaii, Louisiana, West Virginia, Virginia, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas & North Dakota). We've both been to Cali before, just not together. I've only been on business and saw very little of LA and San Diego, other than some various warehouse and office facilities of a former employer. But I did see LL Cool J, who was on our flight! This will be baby's 5th state (TN, WI, MI, & IA down), so ittybitty is already an experienced traveler! Depending on how much vacay time maternity leave takes maybe we can knock out a trip to WV and VA next year, and of course kiddo will be getting IL when we go to a certain wedding next summer . Personally I think Phog and Pippin would be adorable ring bearers, and I'm sure it's just a matter of time before they're formally asked.

And, I was able to time our trip where I can still "run" in Oktoberfest, one of my fave 5Ks of the year, and prob the last race I'll do preggers. It's the weekend before the trip, so I'm glad we'll be here to enjoy the festival and the race. It's large enough that if I do end up having to walk a lot that I shouldn't be embarrassingly last.

Ok, that's it.


At 7:53 PM, Blogger MNFirefly said...

San Diego is an excellent choice. I know that you guys will have a lot of fun.

At 9:50 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

If you like Thai food, there is a restaurant downtown (near the convention center) called Rama. It's REALLY good. Little on the expensive side, but for the food and atmosphere, it's great.

do recommend reservations, but we ate at the bar one night (we went more than once)

At 5:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like you will have a great trip.

At 7:05 AM, Blogger mouse said...

HAHAHA! you crack me up. :)

Rugrat's already agreed to don a mini-tux for the day, so we're already fully stocked in the ring bearer department. If he starts being a little shit though, I'll keep Pips in mind for an alternate.


At 1:00 PM, Blogger Anne said...

YESSSS! Be sure to put a meetup on your intinerary. I'll work the what, where around your when!!!

At 8:35 PM, Blogger Rich said...

CONGRATULATIONS Rae and Brent!!!! I'm so sorry I'm stayed away so long from reading up on blogs (blame it on Olympics and post-Olympic blahs!). How exciting it must be for you two. I'm sure you'll make great parents - Pippin is living proof, right?!

At 8:31 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm sure the baby will love Cali!


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