Thursday, September 25, 2008

Will Work(out) for Food

Hey everyone! Today is super exciting because the Office will be back tonight! Woo hoo!!! It's about time!! That has to be the best show, EVER.

Anyway, it's been a busy week with lots of stuff going on. The gas shortage in Nashville is getting much better, it's not nearly as difficult to find gas but it's still overpriced and a lot of stations are out. I took some pics to post later of what our gas stations looked like last weekend. I can't believe I paid $3.55 about two weeks ago and Brent paid $4.20 last Friday. Today I saw a sign for $3.99, which is the cheapest I've seen since Ike came through.

On the workout front, I've gotten in 2 so far and will have my 3rd for the week tomorrow. Tuesday a class I take at work resumed for the fall, so I won't be making it to the gym on Tuesdays anymore. Today was our department lunch for my boss's birthday, so it's been one of those weeks where other things are more important, which is A-OK.

Yesterday was a "member appreciation" day at the gym, so when I got there they had pizzas, juice, bananas and the popcorn machine going. I heart the popcorn machine! Next time Brent asks me what I want for my b-day I am going to say a popcorn machine + a prenatal massage! The WHOLE time I was working out all I could think about was how great a piece of pizza would be after my workout, it was right next to the machines, just calling out to me!!! So I did my workout, changed, grabbed a bag of popcorn (that's always upstairs) and headed down for pizza - only to be greeted by 4 empty boxes. SO CRUEL. Seriously, the whole thing is just odd - to have that sort of food for everyone - but I love it! I'd much rather have pizza than some whole grain nutrition bar, especially these days! Anyway, I cursed the fat hussies who ate all the pizza and headed back to work, crossing paths with a fellow coworker on his way in. I told him about the pizza debacle and we shared our disappointments. A while later he stopped by my desk and gave me a few bananas - he had raided the free banana stash on his way in and brought me a few! In my upset state I had completely forgotten to take any of them. How nice!

I have great coworkers and now that I am enormously pregnant they are all even nicer. From bringing me back bananas, to getting donuts for me at meetings so I don't have to get up, it pays to be preggers! Today we had a fire alarm - which happened RIGHT as a meeting I'd been in for an hour and a half ended. I REALLY had to go to the bathroom, but you never know if it's a real fire or not, so I evacuated like everyone else. After 20 minutes outside (on a beautiful day) I was ready to POP. And of course there was a line of women in the bathroom once we got to go back in - but they all ushered me ahead of them and let me skip. Baby growing has benefits!

Time to go, we've got to eat and then it's OFFICE NIGHT!!! WOOTTTTT!


At 6:44 AM, Blogger Darrell said...

I've heard much about the Office but I had to watch Survivor Gabon instead. I love the Survivor.

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