Ohhhhh......it's getting close
Oh Lordy. It's T-24 hours to the Flying Monkey Marathon. This time tomorrow Brent and I will be almost two hours in with 101 of our new best friends. So that means we'll probably be about......Mile 5? Just kidding, I hope not!!!
But first, shoutouts to everyone else racing this weekend!!! Elizabeth is already running the JFK 50 miler as I type and I KNOW she is doing great because she's a rock star. 50 miles is a helluva long way to run!! Tomorrow as Brent and I suffer down here a lot of great bloggers will also be running Philly!!! Shore Turtle, D, and Curly Su are running the whole and Danny and Kivster will be running the Half. Good luck gang!!! Special, special wishes to Shore Turtle. This is his very first marathon and does ANYTHING (running related) beat that?? He is hands down one of my favorite RBFers, and the very first RBFer we ever met up with. He's trained hard and I know tomorrow is going to be a great day. He's absolutely one of the nicest people you will ever meet and I really wish we could be there, Pippin in tow, to cheer him on. Good Luck guys!!!!!
So, tomorrow. WHEW! The local running boards have been going crazy with all the chatter about this weekend's race. Since it's the first time this race has ever been held and because of the level of complexity of it it really has created a lot of interest. People have Google Map-ed where all the participants live, charted our ages, some people have predicted finishing times for others - a lot of hype which equals a lot of stress!! Even newspaper articles 1 & 2!! (This one is my fave - really worth the click!!)
This past week at work did NOT help. The project (aka the budget) I've been working on for the last six months is due......Monday, of course. From my jerk boss telling me a few weeks ago that "I may have to skip this 'race' because we might have to work this weekend' " (hell no - I would quit first. And perhaps he might want to quit his 2-3 hour lunches, coming in hours after everyone else, and taking his kids to the doctor every other day because his stay at home wife can't seem to manage that...) it just hasn't been the most relaxing of weeks leading up to the marathon. And of course this past week was just terrible. Long and grueling and nothing seemed to go right. Of course my boss is a moron and a total lack of help. But, it all got done about 4:15 yesterday. (Well, everything that needed to be finished before Monday). But that leaves a very exhausted Rae. And a very exhausted Brent, because this was the one week a year that I have to harass him to get the final pieces of my project finished. A few more days and a few more changes and I'm thinking I would have been walking home!! So, when we left work around 6 last night we decided on take out Chinese (I really would have gone postal if we had a bad restaurant experience somewhere!!). Aaaahhh, relaxation!! We stretched out on the couch with a blanket (and Pippin!) and loaded up the Break-up to watch. What I saw of it was really cute and very funny.....until I fell asleep!! Brent kicked me at some point and it seems I was asleep for quite some time! Oh well!! We'll finish it today. It's very embarrassing to fall asleep by 9:30 on a Friday night but I had been up since 4:45 and it's been a very, very long week.
The plan for today is MORE REST and DE-STRESS! Tomorrow is going to be stressful enough so today I am just going to kick it, finish packing my Halloween stuff up (I had to buy more containers to pack it away) and finish watching the movie! The weather tomorrow is VERY questionable. Today is bright and sunny (but cool) but some sort of cold front is coming through this afternoon. It may rain on us tomorrow and it looks like it's going to be a bit cold. No fair. Hopefully that will keep the stupid cougar away!! Our goal for tomorrow is just to have FUN! We're going to do quite a bit of walking so hopefully that will help us not bonk too hard in the later miles. I'm guessing it will take us between 5-5:30 hours, a lot of that depending on the weather now, too.
Have a great Saturday everybody!!! Go Michigan!!! And Good Luck to ALL my fellow monkey runners tomorrow!!! May we all finish in ONE piece!!!
Heh busy lady, good luck tomorrow!
Wow, did I miss something, Rachel? Why is it so small?
Good luck and have fun--boh of you!!
Have fun with the MONKEY!
Good luck tommorow, Rae and Brent. You will do GREAT!
You're going to be brilliant! Show that monkey who the boss is (it's you, not Tony Danza).
Wish we had means to track you two...but know that we're all the way in Chicago rooting for you crazy kids!
good luck tomorrow!!!
(i'm prediciting a top 100 finish!)
So you really are running this. Good luck tomorrow!
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