Sunday, January 22, 2006

Rain Day!

Today has just been GROSS! It's been raining since I got up today and there's no sign of that ending anytime soon. Blah!! I had HOPED to get an early morning run in, which is rare because early morning run and I rarely go together. But, it was raining so I settled for a big bowl of cereal and a cuddle with Pippin instead. Then my plans changed to hoping for an early afternoon or even a late afternoon run. I guess if I had watched the weather reports on Saturday I would have known the chances of that were -100%. The rain was heavy all day and it was so dreary. I decided an afternoon nap would substitute well for a run so Brent and I crawled back into bed and Pippin got in his bed and an afternoon nap was enjoyed by all. When I got up I knew exercise would help get me out of this funk so I headed upstairs to the dreadmill. The treadmill at the gym is SO much nicer, you just can't get any speed going on our little treadmill so every run takes forever. And of course on a Sunday afternoon TV choices were nill. I ended up watching two episodes of a dating show on MTV to pass the 5 miles away. Done. I'll run 5 miles on Tuesday and 5 on Thursday and that'll be all for this week, since next week starts out with a 26.2 mile bang!

Congrats to someone in Elryia, Ohio who was my 9,000th visitor earlier today!! I'm not sure who you are but thanks for stopping by around 4.15 CST.

Brent is feeling better and we've been trying all the recommendations you guys have offered! David's alphabet spelling idea sounded absolutely silly, but it did help! (and gave us a good laugh!) He can move his neck a bit more today, and the strings of moaning and cursing have greatly decreased. He's planning to skip work tomorrow and visit the doctor to see if it's a nerve or something that needs some prescrip meds. Our house smells like an enormous tube of Icy Hot right now. I think it's making me crave sweets, and Pippin seems to be hungrier than usual as well.

I started fake tanning yesterday. I'm using the Neutrogena Build a Tan, it's gotten all sorts of good reviews in my girly mags. I did one app yesterday morning and one app yesterday evening. So far so good, orangey spots are pretty minimal and I have a nice, non-winter glow. BUT, my chest has broken out in a bit of a rash so I think Brent is going to take it away from me. I was really planning to goop it on until I look like an elderly woman who has spent way too much time in the sun, but I may just have to go for a more natural look instead.

Tonight we filled out an app for the Nashville Predators Fangtastic 5K. It's Feb 11th and sounds like a lot of fun. The Preds are our NHL team. The race runs through downtown and all the participants get a ticket for that night's hockey game. Yeah!! Since it's two weeks after the marathon I doubt I'll be setting any PRs, but it will be fun to race a non-half/full distance! We haven't done anything shorter than a half since the Oktoberfest 5K back in (you guessed it) October.

That's it for now! I'm planning to try to get a little more sleep this week than the usual. The weather lady tonight said it would probably still be raining tomorrow morning, so I'm not sure if Pippin & I will get to walk. We did go out for 2.3 miles yesterday afternoon. I was just going to do a quick mile (3 laps around the block) but Pippin wouldn't hear of it! I had to drag him right where we normally turn left for long weekend walks, and when we went past that same spot the second time he was so insistent on going the other direction that I gave in. I guess he understands the concept of our normal weekend walks and enjoys it! He didn't even want to turn around at our normal spot so I may start taking him on even longer weekend walks.

Man!!! The lightning will not end today. It scared Pippin so much earlier he went barking through the house, ready to attack.

Sat (post blog) - 2.3 mile walk with Pippin
Sun - 5 mile treadmill run, 20 minutes toning/stretching focus:upper body


At 8:22 PM, Blogger Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

I have a stack of taped shows to watch on days where the TV sucks and a ledge beside the bike is great for the remote.

At 4:00 AM, Blogger strewth said...

Hey - best of luck for the marathon! Thanks for checking in to my blog. I've been catching up on yours and it seems so strange that you're running in rain and cold while we're dripping from the heat. The temp reached 38deg today which is about 100deg fahrenheit and I'm sure it was still that hot at training tonight! I'm looking forward to hearing all about your race.

At 4:58 AM, Blogger ida said...

Can't beat an afternoon nap during a thunderstorm.

It's raining here... makes me think I should consider a dreadmill myself. Weather can be so uncooperative!

At 5:44 AM, Blogger Michael Hickerson said...

The good thing about the treadmills at the Y is each has their own personal TV you can use--at least at the one in Smryna. It's kind of nice....and it helps distract me when I'm using them to exercise on.

At 8:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, all this rain stinks. I ran the Preds 5K two years ago and it was hilly but great fun. Enjoy the Miami Marathon!

At 10:21 AM, Blogger Cliff said...

I can tolerate cold, wind and snow. I haven't able to tolerate rain yet. It makes everything wet. When everything wet, I can't keep warm.

I hope Brent feels better today.

You gotta put up a pic of before fake tan and after fake tan. Then we can decide if u have that natural glow or not :)

At 5:05 PM, Blogger E-Speed said...

thats quite a walk for a puppy. pippin is getting tough!

At 7:34 PM, Blogger David said...

Rain forecast for Miami on Sunday has disappeared. Thanks for sucking it all up to Nashville.
How do you know who visits your site to know who was 9,000? Tell me on Saturday.
My son's girly mags don't have any reviews of tans in a bottle. I can't figure that out.
I am craving sweets too! What's with that?
I sure hope I can walk two weeks after the race, much less run a 5K.

At 11:07 PM, Blogger Darrell said...

Elyria, OH. Cool. I grew up maybe 20 miles from there. I too am curious how you can know who and where people visited from.

Have a great time in Miami. I will be out of town starting Sunday a.m. and away from the computer (sorry no laptop) until Tuesday night. I have to check up then. Hope Brent feels better as well.

At 1:53 AM, Blogger CJ said...

I refuse to get on a dreadmill - haven't succumbed as yet!

I haven't run for 3 days now and feeling a bit slobby and blobby. I have an infected knee and am waiting for the antibiotics to kick in before I run again - maybe tomorrow. My marathon training is all over the place!

Not long to go now!

At 6:19 PM, Blogger Cory said...

Congrats to someone in Elryia, Ohio who was my 9,000th visitor earlier today!! I'm not sure who you are but thanks for stopping by around 4.15 CST.

Suburban Cleveland Rocks
Suburban Cleveland Rocks
Suburban Cleveland Rocks...

Geez! How do you people get that data? There are just all sorts of cool blog code implants now. I like the one (I think I saw it on Brittney's site) where you can trace people's search strings. Like, somebody getting onto your site after Googling "martians in footed pajamas" or some nonsense.

(XC fan, btw, so this blog could be pretty interesting once I get the time to peruse)

At 6:19 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

It sounds like Pippin is ready for a 5k at least. Here in Seattle there is a run called the Furry 5K. Awards are awarded to the fastest dog and human of course.

At 6:30 PM, Blogger Johnny Lyons said...

Ahh, rainy days. I sure miss those. It still hasn't rained since summer :( If I don't comment before the race, have a great time and rock that thang baby!

At 6:41 PM, Blogger ida said...

two words: mystic tan.


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