Sunday, October 05, 2008

We're not #1 in spelling either.....

Hey everyone! Just a quick post to say thanks for all the birthday wishes! I had a GREAT birthday that I'll post more about later. The Cliff Notes version is: gourmet cupcakes at work, wonderful nice dinner out with Brent, as well as roses and gifties, plus a prenatal massage last weekend (heaven!) and a delicious cake. Could I ask for more???? I'll post more pics of my b-day later, including the shirt B had made for me that says "Baby Loves Cake" (and she does!). We've been painting the nursery this afternoon and I'm a bit tired and planning to prop up and read a magazine or something.

Unless you've been under a rock, then you know the next presidential debate is here in our fine city Tuesday night. Every newscast is broadcasting from there, and there's major excitement about the being one of the few cities selected for just a big event! (And I submitted a question since it's a town hall style debate - I hope it gets picked!!! I wish I would be picked to attend the debate, but that's not even an option for locals.) SO, all this hub-bub and massive attention to detail, unless you're our local highway maintenance crew. We made 2 trips down I-65 yesterday, once in the am for my massage and once in the pm for a wedding. Both time, the scrolling electronic highway sign at the exit for the debate sign was flashing this helpful message:

"Turn Right - Debaffe Traffic".

So embarrassing, and even worse I never had my camera out to capture this historic event. I can just see Tom Brokaw searching for the exit, seeing the sign, and wondering what a Debaffe is and if he should've exited there.

Have a great week!