Thursday, January 18, 2007


What's up???? We've almost made it through to the weekend again, yeah!!!

I don't have anything exciting to add on the workout front this week. A few short runs, all on the treadmill. I usually get my workouts in before Brent's home from work these days so I've been hopping on the 'mill so I can keep an eye on Pippin. He seems to know just when I'm not watching and that's when he chooses to try to lick his wound. If I yell at him to stop he usually leaves the room, so if I'm on the dread that means my run is cut short as I run after him. He's so stubborn.

Brent got home earlier yesterday so I ran later in the evening while watching American Idol, which is VERY dangerous. It's incredibly hard to run while laughing so hard you're snorting. What's wrong with some of these people???? I wonder what they think when they see themselves?? There was one guy who mentioned his coworkers told him he should audition. I'm totally the type of coworker who would encourage this embarrassing behavior. Sometimes you just know people so "unique" that you need to share them with the world. Once the terrible audition process is over I will no longer have any interest in the talent show portion of Idol. I'm looking forward to the auditions they're going to show from my hometown of Memphis next week. I know that's gonna get ghetto fabulous!

Speaking of, it sounds like everyone had an AWESOME time in Memphis last weekend at the Swampstomper. People called it the toughest race ever - and these are people who are seriously experienced. I'm really glad our fees were rolled to next year, and it sounds like the "Swamp" portion of the race name was well earned. My luck it will be bone dry next year! Considering the conditions on race day I'm pretty sure we would have dropped back to the 25k, but it still sounds like a blast. I can't wait til next year!

On tap this weekend - I dunno. I need to get a long run in, but we have to take Pippin back to the surgeon Saturday morning to have his staples removed. I think this is literally the 5th weekend in a row we've had to take him to a vet appointment of some sort on a Saturday morning!!!! He's doing well and his energy is coming back in leaps and bounds. He still doesn't put any weight on the leg, though. He did stand on it to hike his other leg to pee on something yesterday - the first time he's done that since before he fell. From a lot of the reading I've done it seems like around 2 weeks post surgery is when he should start using it. He's also starting to jump around a lot more, too.

So - the blog title. 2042. I got a letter this week from the former employer informing me that my many years of suffering with them entitled me to the large benefit of $92 a month in the year 2042 - the year of my retirement. $92 a month is nowhere near enough to compensate me for the pain and suffering I endured there, but I'll take it. What really upset me is the 2042. That's a million years away. 35 to be exact. Why couldn't they have just said "upon turning 65" or "at retirement"? Why further torture me with these dates???? And to cap it off - I have to keep this letter until 2042! It's my responsibility to keep up with it! Exactly where do you keep something you won't need for 35 years? Maybe I could pack it away with my wedding dress or my old high school yearbooks.

Have a great weekend everyone! Good luck to anyone racing, I can't think of any but if you are good luck!!!

Tues: 4.25 mile run, 20 mins upper bpdy
Wed: 2.75 mile run, 20 mins booty


At 6:03 PM, Blogger MNFirefly said...

OMG! That's SO irritating to keep a letter that LONG. Geez!

At 7:07 AM, Blogger Anne said...

That's what happens when computers determine your fate.

Glad Pippin's healing and hiking up his leg a bit. Good sign! It almost sounds like you three are going to have a restful weekend. Could it be?!

At 8:01 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, $92... that's what a 5k will cost in 35 years.

At 9:24 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hmmm...I wonder what $92 a month will be worth in 2042. Stash it away and bring it back in 35 years. No prob.

At 7:32 AM, Blogger Iron Jayhawk said...

Ooooooh...$92/month. With inflation rates maybe that'll buy you a tank of gas every four weeks!


Hopefully Pippin keeps exercising that leg of his and gets back to his old self, soon!

At 3:10 PM, Blogger David said...

Home Depot for a safe or the bank for a deposit box.
Put Pippin's conehead in there while you're at it.

At 7:31 PM, Blogger jeanne said...

your old office...well, it just figures they would do something like that, right? nimrods.

At 9:14 PM, Blogger Rich said...

Aren't you a financial type person? Maybe you could figure out how today's equivalent of $92 in 2042 ... but it might be too depressing!

At 5:15 PM, Blogger Stephanie said...

OMG, the first time I laughed really hard today...


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