Thursday, December 14, 2006

I'd settle for semi-lean

Thought I had yesterday as I expertly pulled out of the Publix parking lot while swinging back by work to pick up Brent before we headed home: "I am turning into one lean, mean driving machine."

Thought I had about a half an hour later on I-24 when I heard that all too familiar sound of metal scraping metal: "Well, maybe I'm not so lean."

Yup, jot down December 13th for Wreck #3. Luckily they are each getting progressively smaller and less traumatic. We were headed home, tired, with a plan of staying up ALL NIGHT until every last bit of annoying chocolate brown paint was scraped off our floors. I'm just done, over it. Ready to move on. And I now hate chocolate brown. And I used to really like chocolate brown. A guy is out at work this week and Brent's filling in for him, so he had had a REALLY long day. The Interstate was backed up, and of course no traffic report said anything about a wreck, and the electronic signs on the Interstate didn't either. And for some reason MY lane was especially backed up. I checked my mirrors, didn't see anyone in Lane #3, turned my blinker on to get over, and then heard the screech of metal on metal. I had no clue where this car came from!! We sighed, pulled across Lane #4 to the shoulder and got out. The two girls in the Expedition were fine, we were fine. We looked at our car for damage and it was just a black scrape on my front left panel, right above the wheel. She couldn't really look at her car because cars where whizzing by at ungodly speeds, yelling expletives at us. (Nice. Thanks for your assistance.) It took us forever to figure out the right number to call, and even longer for the police to show up. The day that WAS nice and warm was now really chilly with strong, cold winds courtesy of the tractor trailers buzzing by. I still didn't have a clue how I had hit her. We talked about it and she had been right behind me in the stopped lane and we ended up merging at the same time. She must have really whipped fast, and was probably turned around and didn't see me pulling out as well. I clipped her on her back tail, right around her right side back wheel well. So whose fault was it??? I really don't know. It was such a small wreck that when the officer got there he didn't do a full police report, just an information exchange since the damage was so minor. So I guess it's technically a no fault/pure accident for everyone, and we won't even report it to insurance because it seems like we can just wax it out, it's so minor. I think her scratch is worse because it looked like paint had rubbed off, so I think that also technically means I Won. We were all very nice and civilized, they were on their way to dental hygeniest school and pretty happy to be late and miss part of class. I offered them some of the 3 kinds of milk I had bought at Publix. What can you do?? This crap just seems to happen and more often to us than most people. I may even send her a Christmas card, and the other lady who hit me coming out of Arby's back in June. Why not?? Apparently traffic accidents are becoming a great way to meet people for us.

So that bit of excitement put us even further behind on working on our floors. We did stay up until 12:30 working on them, and only have one small section left to strip. By then we were delirious, laughing at most everything, and I was starting to get dizzy and nauseated from the fumes. Then we can finally start sanding and staining them. I'm WAY behind on my blog reading so I hope you are all well! And if you're looking for a nice dental hygeniest I think I can hook you up!


At 7:38 AM, Blogger Lance Notstrong said...

Hope your insurance doesn't go up too much!!!

At 9:05 AM, Blogger Afternoon Tea With Oranges said...

Ah, tough luck, Rae. That sucks...but glad it was just minor.

At 3:03 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

That sucks about the accident, but glad to hear that it was minor and civilized. Good luck with the floors.

At 4:44 PM, Blogger MNFirefly said...

WOW! From a LEO perspective, I would think that it's the other drivers' fault too. She should have been paying attention to you switching lanes...and she's BEHIND you. :D

At 7:34 PM, Blogger ShoreTurtle said...

Boo! You're a magnet for bad drivers. I'm glad that it wasn't too bad.

At 4:52 AM, Blogger Jack said...

There are easier ways to add names to your Christmas card list :-) Glad no one was hurt. Hope the floors go without incident.

At 4:33 PM, Blogger Anne said...

Oh no! Sorry about the fender bender. I have the same kind of luck, and it really does seem like the weather turns sour during the long wait for authorities to arrive on the scene, doesn't it. Glad everyone's OK.

At 10:39 PM, Blogger Rich said...

I can just imagine you and Brent going silly from paint thinner fumes! Stay away from the glue next, ok?

At 1:19 PM, Blogger E-Speed said...

Glad you are okay! At least you should be done now that you've had three accidents, I think that fufills your quota or something.

Give a hug to Pippin from me!

At 2:44 PM, Blogger D said...

Glad that you were ok and not too much damage was done!


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