Saturday, June 21, 2008


Hmm......I don't really have much to say this morning but it's been a few days so I guess I should say something. It seems like I always have a lot to post about in the car, but by the time I get home or even get a chance to be near the computer I've completely forgotten it.

It's been a rather "tumultuous" week at work as a higher up got canned. It's one of those things that needed to be done, but that you're always still surprised about in the end. Except for my first job in public accounting I've never worked for a company that hasn't had layoffs or tried to consolidate functions between branches. (And honestly, I can't imagine a cpa firm ever having a layoff - the conditions at firms are such crap that turnover is their #1 issue. Of the 4 people I started with at the firm all of us were gone within the first year. It was pretty easy to find a job making more money and working less hours, why would you even want to do that????) I've been on both ends of the layoff, and neither side is that great to be on. When you're the one canned it's so....humiliating, and then when you're not the one you're just left wondering what else is going to happen...

The contractors are gone, thank goodness. Our house is a disaster in their wake and I'm going to spend a lot of today cleaning and dusting. For some reason, the a-holes opened up our bedroom door each and every day, so naturally when they were removing part of the ceiling in our foyer the massive amounts of drywall dust have penetrated every room in our house. Nice. Appreciate it....They did a great job building the stairs, but we won't ever be using them again due to some pretty serious "communication" issues. I should have subtracted from their payment the extra day of doggie daycare since they can't manage 8 hr workdays, my time dusting our bed and bath that shouldn't have evenbeen a factor, and the insane amounts of toilet paper they used in Brent's bathroom. But whatever, they're done and our house is our own again.

We've got a pretty low key weekend planned. Last night I was in the mood to try something new, and as we try to keep our money in our neighborhood as much as possible, we headed over to Mitchell's Delicatessen. It's in a little corner strip mall that's seen a lot of revitalization over the past couple of years and is really turning out to be cute little hot spot, with a coffe shop next door, a pizza joint that's been there for ages, another doggie daycare across the street, and a sushi bar on the way. It was hopping last night with lots of other young families and neighborhoodies. I had a really good roast beef and cheddar and B had a French Dip. They have a lot of more creative offerings on the menu, but I was in the mood for my classic go-to sandwich! Their special of the day was the "Jamie Lynn" a turkey sandwich with some type of pesto seasoning and something else I don't recall. They've also got lamb sandwiches as well as a lot of really unique offerings. My only complaint was the beverages were a little lacking. Z's Deli has some flavorful things and here you pretty much had your standard Cokes in a bottle, that really weren't all that great. Nothing in a plastic bottle stays cool for long in the South in late June, so fountain beverages would've at least been better. They've also got a little section of locally grown fruits and veggies as well as some high end cheeses you can pick up. We topped our night off by heading over to Marche for some dessert to go. Just like TiVo has changed our lives, Marche has changed our lives. We love their brunch but try not go too often (calories people). Before Marche there really wasn't anywhere we could run in on a Fri night and pick up some kick-a dessert to go. Last night we got a Strawberry Marscapone Cake and a Chocolate Banana Cake. To die for. They actually weren't made there, but were made by Provence (who seriously has the best desserts in town but no location in ENash.) They were both to die for. Can I say it again???

Anyway, this morning we took a walk down to the post office and the library to do some errands and thoroughly wiped Pippin out. It's been a bit cooler this week, but it seems the humidity is back this a.m. He made it about .75 of a mile before his wipeout phase where he tries to lie down in any shady or cool looking place. He took a long break on the new and very soft looking mat at the Lipstick, much to the amusement of the employee heading in to start their lunch service. Brent ended up having to carry him a few blocks otherwise we'd still be a few blocks from home. He's at such a level of spoiled that he'd really prefer being carried, or pushed in a stroller.

Ok, I guess I've procrastinated the insurmountable dusting task ahead......ugh!!! Happy Saturday!


At 3:29 PM, Blogger David said...

Yup; you had very little to write. Not.
Glad the workmen are gone. You can relax a little ... after cleaning up.

At 11:50 AM, Blogger MNFirefly said...

I can not imagine the mess that you have had to deal with involvig the contractors. Poor Pippen.

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