Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Fat Tuesday No More

It seems like "the forces" aka excuses have conspired against me constantly lately to keep me from getting my evening toning exercises in, and now many of my pants are conspiring against me to keep me out of them. The holidays and early year home projects have taken up so many of our evening, but now that the fab new wall in the living room is done the plan was for me to get back on toning this week. But once again forces yesterday worked against. The crap recession has all sorts of mess flying at work, which kept me an hour late yesterday, then Monday nights are laundry night so that hour took away all my "discretionary" time for working out. So Fat Tuesday it would be.

We made our DELICIOUS jambalaya recipe for Fat Tuesday, then right as we were wrapping up a friend called to talk about a bad situation at her work. Obviously that takes priority over my booty-licious situation, but when we got off the phone at 8:30 it was time to get things done. Of course Pippin had to be in the mix, so I started out doing my moves while gingerly avoiding him. (However since he ate a bowl of chocolate yesterday I would say that boy is made of steel.) Then Brent started sawing away at the trim on the den, which I am not complaining about because I am so excited about our den becoming a guest room. But still, distraction #2. And then - the tornado sirens. Oh yeah, Pippin chewing + Brent sawing + tornado sirens makes for quite the workout but I got it done and now we're tuned into the weather report watching this nutso storm rapidly approach us. My parents live in West TN and it sounds like quite a few tornados touched down in their area. Supposedly 40-something twisters have already been spotted. Lightning is racing outside right now like crazy.

Well, according to the bleeps it's going to be full force on us in less than 3 minutes, so it's time to find the flashlights, log off before the network goes down and take cover somewhere. Gotta love living in the South and the results of today's 72 degree temps.



At 3:55 AM, Blogger Jack said...

Do you guys have a storm cellar, or better yet a bunker, in case a twister tries to wipeout Nashville?

At 6:47 AM, Blogger Ryan said...

Hey, I hope all is well this morning!

At 2:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We had one EAS alert last night. I hate EAS. I'm sure EAS was in full force there. Bleah!

At 3:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you all are safe.


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