Spectator Report: Historic East Nashville 5K
Last weekend there was a 5K in our 'hood, and once again it came SOOO close to our house but just not quite close enough. I guess in order to get a race to run past our house I'm just going to have to organize it!
Anyway, the race started at 8 and I would've loved to run it but my parents were coming up to help us for the day and between the race and hanging around for awards, etc it just would've taken up too much precious kitchen remodel time Sat morning. But I'm SO there next year. Anyway, the race actually came within 4 or 5 houses of us - it turned right at the last cross street and then looped back to East park, where it started. So, right around the time the race started we harnessed up Pippin and walked down to our corner to cheer. I think our neighborhood would've really come out to support the race - that is if they had told anyone! We only knew about it because I stalk the local race calendar like it's Brad Pitt. I saw a few curious neighbors peek out like "huh??", but for the most part Brent, Pippin and myself (along with a few others) manned the turn around point. The water stop was also there, so it was certainly the happening spot to be.
About a minute or two after we got there we saw the lead police car directing the way for the fasties. And they were booking it up our hill!! I love/hate this hill - it's the last thing that always stands between me and our traditional collapse on our porch swing post run. I book it as hard as I can, every time, and it's always fun when a neighbor is working in the yard and give you a little cheer as you pass. I even appreciate the encouraging comments I get from some homeless people I see pretty often (esp when they rag Brent when I'm ahead!) So, it was really a fun feeling to watch other people race up MY hill. The crowd gradually got thicker and thicker and we cheered for all the people coming through. Pippin took up his spectator spot, and tried to barge in a couple of times when people went running through with their dogs. I don't know that he understood what was going on, but he was fascinated. I wonder how much he understands about running? He knows w
hen we lace up our running shoes - which are only worn for running - what's about to happen - he really understands schedules. And he watches us from the window and awaits our return, but does he understand what we're doing, and that these other people were doing something we normally do??? Anyway, that's way off subject.
I saw quite a few people go by that I recognized. People from the gym, people from the neighborhood, our friend J, people from other races. We stayed until the very last walker went through, with the police car right behind them. It was a hot and humid morning and they deserved some cheering love, too. It was fun, I enjoyed it. It would've been more fun to be running it, though. But that's cool. I've been working out every day at lunch at the gym, and it's already starting to feel easier and easier and easier. It's crazy how quickly you can get back in the groove. I know I still need to post about what I've been up to exercise-wise lately and also what my upcoming race calendar looks like, but I really wanted to get my spec report up! And if you found this post by looking for the race Brent took a ton of pics (shocker) so if you want them just drop a line with email and I can hook you up!
HOPEFULLY, after this weekend our kitchen will be ready for the cabinet install! We've been drywall patching, priming and painting this week! It's so wild to see the kitchen back to its beautiful red color! Tonight we're leveling the floor and hopefully tomorrow (or Sunday we're installing the new hardwoods). Anyone wanna help??
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